A recent study published in Nature (one of the most reputed journals in scientific annals), reported that regular meditation slows down aging. Read on to discover how. Findings of the Study The researchers did a study on 17 long-term meditators and 17 non-meditators (control group). By studying the DNA samples of the two…
Category: Fitness & Health
The Dark Side of Body Weight Exercises: What Nobody Tells You!
I have always been a huge proponent of including body weight exercises in one’s workout routine. However centering your workout routines around body weight training comes with it’s fare share of drawbacks, which is often not talked about by the Fitness YouTubers. In this post I will talk about the dark side of body weight…
The Most Important Secret of Success I Have Learnt By Running Marathons
“Never forget that no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets or how far you fall – you are never out of the fight.” – Marcus Luttrell, Ex-Navy SEAL. As an amateur athlete, I love competing in marathons. I am a mediocre runner at best and have never expected myself to…
Try This Effective But Quick Workout for Weight Loss
Sometimes we don’t have enough time to fit in a workout during the day. May be you are just not feeling motivated enough to workout today ? Or may be you just don’t like working out and wish to lose weight with the least amount of effort ? If you are in any of…
Do This, If You Want to Develop a Habit to Workout Regularly
Why you must workout regularly Working out regularly is one of the key stone habits that can literally transform your life. Various studies have shown that regular workout, boosts your self esteem, makes you look younger, helps you feel happy, alleviates depression. It also helps you in your journey to quit alcohol and…
How to get six pack abs while enjoying life
If there’s one thing that we all wished at some point in our lives, it is this : how to have that chiseled waistline. In this article I will reveal in detail, the right diet to eat and right way to train so that you can get those six pack abs, without having to compromise…
If You Could Do Only One Exercise, It Should Be This!
We all have days where we just can’t muster enough time or energy to go to the gym for a workout. There are also people who just hate working out and wish they could know that one exercise, which alone could make them fit and healthy for the rest of their life. If you…
Which is better for weight loss: Intermittent Fasting or Caloric Restriction?
In a recent post I introduced the concept of intermittent fasting and keto diet. I also talked about how they can be effectively used to lose weight. In a response to this post, one of our readers commented ,”Intermittent fasting may be too hard for beginners to follow. A better approach would be caloric restriction.”…
The Most Important Fitness Advice That Will Help You In Life !
Recently, I celebrated my birthday. My birthday made me ponder on the following question : “What is the one fitness lesson, I wish I had learned earlier”. In this article we will talk about an invaluable fitness lesson that I learnt after being lost in the wild. I guarantee that if you follow this…
Try This Challenge To Lose Body Fat Faster
In India the festival of Navratri has arrived, which is celebrated over a course of 9 days. Many enlightened masters vouch for Navratri to be highly conducive for spiritual growth, due to which they advise to practice fasting during these 9 days. However for un enlightened people like us, we may have doubts…