Why you must workout regularly Working out regularly is one of the key stone habits that can literally transform your life. Various studies have shown that regular workout, boosts your self esteem, makes you look younger, helps you feel happy, alleviates depression. It also helps you in your journey to quit alcohol and…
Try Swami Vivekananda’s Way to Overcome Fear & Anxiety
“I’m standing up, I’mma face my demons I’m manning up, I’mma hold my ground I’ve had enough, now I’m so fed up Time to put my life back together right now” – Eminem Have you ever been crippled with fear or felt stifled by your mind ? May be you had a big career…
The Best Habit If You Want to Transform Your Life This Year!
“True change is within; leave the outside as it is.” – Dalai Lama XIV: The new year has just begun. Unlimited possibilities lie ahead of us. Right now we all have our hopes high(I’m hoping you have them high too! ). Each year we hope that this year finally brings transformation in our…
Why thinking positive will make you feel more miserable?
“Don’t seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will – then your life will flow well.” – EPICTETUS “I am child of god. Nothing but the best will happen for me.” If you think like this, then what if I told you…
Top 5 Tips for Living a Happy Life by Enlightened Masters
“Living in the moment with joy, alertness, awareness and compassion is enlightenment. Being like a child is enlightenment. It is being free from within, feeling at home with everybody, without barriers.” – Sri Sri Ravishankar Spirituality in it’s essence means man’s quest for happiness. In that respect, enlightened people are the ones who have…
How to get six pack abs while enjoying life
If there’s one thing that we all wished at some point in our lives, it is this : how to have that chiseled waistline. In this article I will reveal in detail, the right diet to eat and right way to train so that you can get those six pack abs, without having to compromise…
How to study for exams in one night and pass them
It’s exams time again in most parts of the world. Since the readers of this blog are mostly young, I thought of writing about something that is very relevant to our readers. Therefore in this blog post we’ll discuss in detail, how to study for exams in one night and pass them. To make things…
Honest Confessions of a Spiritual Seeker : My Story
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of, so they can see that it’s not the answer.” – Jim Carrey I had just secured a podium finish in a half marathon, after putting in the hard work necessary for it. Congratulatory messages came my way from…
Tips on how to succeed in life : Swami Vivekananda
For his highly influential self- help book Think and Grow Rich ,Napoleon Hill interviewed several successful people of his time for about 25 years and concluded that his biggest tip to succeed was ,“Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve”. An entire self help industry has sprung up from his book….
If You Could Do Only One Exercise, It Should Be This!
We all have days where we just can’t muster enough time or energy to go to the gym for a workout. There are also people who just hate working out and wish they could know that one exercise, which alone could make them fit and healthy for the rest of their life. If you…