Hey all ! Sorry for not posting lately . Truth be told, the recent chain of events, made me ponder deeply on why we do, what we do here !
What should our driving force be,so as to pull us out from the trenches, whenever we want to give up and want to just keep lying in there !
“Motivation is crap. Motivation comes and goes. When you’re driven, whatever is in front of you will get destroyed.” – David Goggins,Former U.S Navy Seal
Please bear with me as I share with you some recent personal incidents, which made me ponder over some fundamental questions.
Why we do, what we do here ?
The ultra connected times,where an opinion can be transmitted from one end of the world to other, can be toxic at times. An year ago, I decided to create content on the internet, so that it could ignite a spark of change in someone’s life. However, when you are putting yourself on the line, by sharing your thoughts with the world, you need to be open to criticism as well as appreciation.
“Your BIGGEST supporter is a stranger and your BIGGEST hater is someone you know well”— Heath Ledger
And so the trolling ensued !
The trolling from people who didn’t know me personally, was fine by me . However seeing the “close ones” criticizing me,started taking its toll on me. I started questioning myself !
Why should I care about fitness ?
On the day of writing this article there have been 655,112 casualties reported due to Covid-19 according to WHO. Amidst all the chaos around us and within, why should we take fitness seriously ?
A few years earlier, I was wrestling against depression. When you are in a state of depression, your mind becomes a dark dark place. It starts working against you. It makes you start doubting anything and everything that you do.
You start questioning your goals in life. You start questioning everyone around you. Although, a bit of conscious self questioning is good, the problem arises when the questioning goes out of hand. When you are facing incessant questioning from yourself, you know that you are facing an uphill battle. Its a battle to overcome self-doubt, a battle to take control of that treacherous mind again.
However, the constant self questioning had crippled me to surrender. I tried a ton of motivational books and videos, from famed self-help gurus, yet nothing seemed to work. After the initial push ceased, so did my motivation to move forward(metaphorically speaking). Well I knew, I was f**ked.
However,it was clear to me that I was fighting a battle over my mind. It was a battle to take over the reign’s over the mind, again !
Struggle of today, gives you strength for tomorrow !
Slowly, it dawned on me that since the mind is overpowering me, what if I start doing things, that I know that my mind doesn’t want me to do, but the inner voice wants me to ! May be I can show ‘him’ again, who the boss really is !
So the rebuilding process started. If I thought that I was too tired to run 5 kilometers, I would run 8 instead. I was scared of going to the gym, so I signed for a gym membership. Despite how my day had gone,I started going to the gym daily without fail. I thought I couldn’t be happy without social media, so I quit it !
Slowly I started building myself back again. I started regaining my self confidence, my self esteem back again.
Looking aesthetic is important, during the teens or may be early twenties. However, when you mature in life, aesthetics takes a back seat. Amidst the various tests that life puts us through, most of us just wish that we don’t have any glaring face fat, that we have a flat belly and that we can live through our life spans without body aches .Most of us just want to be happy, to be strong so that we can wrestle with the vicissitudes of life, with our heads up !
I experienced how fitness can transform one’s life. When I looked on the web, almost all of the content focused on the mere aesthetic side of fitness and bodybuilding. However, I knew fitness was about much more than that.
The goal behind starting Fitonation.com was to focus on the aesthetic as well as the mental aspect of fitness and bodybuilding. This blog was created to build a community of like minded people who want to explore their true potential by choosing fitness as a medium.
The recent times have been testing for everyone around the world. The current situation has been a test of mental strength for each one of us. In the recent history of mankind, there has never been a greater need to look after your fitness, both physical and mental.
The World Health Organization has strongly emphasized on making your mental health a priority during the Covid-19 pandemic. The following article will surely help you spot the silver lining among the prevalent gloom all around : Invaluable Life Lessons from the Corona Virus Pandemic .
If you are starting out your fitness journey, you should check out the following article : Fitness Tips for Beginners .
Please let me know your view and opinions. It helps us improve and go on !
Cheers guys ! See you, soon ! 🙂
Brilliantly written, as always!
Thank you 🙂 !