Life Lessons to help you live a more meaningful life ! Brace for Impact ! As on the day of penning down this article, the entire world has been grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic. With no one except, perhaps the Chinese Government knowing for sure, how to deal with this human induced mayhem,…
Mind : A Wonderful Servant or an Ugly Bitch
Mastery of the Mind Learning it the Hard Way… I had just passed out of college. With a decent paying job at hand and a great set of friends around me, life was going as per plans. When I had entered college, it was everything I had wished for . With all the…
8 Reasons Why Closing Down of Gym Could be the Best Thing That Happened to You
How can you grow by being away from the gym! The best thing that could have happened to you during the COVID19 out break, would be the closing down of your gym . Yeah you heard me right! In this post you will get to know , why. If you have managed to stick…
Bodybuilding Motivation:Bruce Lee’s Philosophy
Finding a Greater Purpose Behind Bodybuilding Bodybuilding is a solo sport. The road may feel lonely at times .After the initial enthusiasm recedes, you start struggling for motivation. You start looking for purpose behind working your ass off in the gym while others are partying, to eat bland nutritious food, while others are treating themselves…
7 Reasons Why You Must Do Cardio
Benefits Of Doing Cardio Cardio is often the most neglected component of a training program. Few days back, I was watching Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky. It’s my all time favorite movie series. As a side note, anyone who hasn’t watched it, should watch it now. One of my favorite part of the movie is it’s legendary…
7 Reasons Why You Should Do Weight Training
Why Should You Do Weight Training ? Every now and then, I come across people who regard Weight Training as ‘the forbidden zone’. Recently, I met a friend of mine. I was meeting her after a long time. On seeing her, I was surprised at the amount of weight she had gained. While conversing,…
7 Tips to be Successful in Bodybuilding and in Life
What Bodybuilding Teaches you about Success in Life Bodybuilding is not just a leisure activity. To an outsider,bodybuilding may be just about lifting weights and getting big.But,there’s much more to bodybuilding.Bodybuilding can teach you, how to be successful in life. A person is struggling with depression/drug abuse.Life has pushed him to rock bottom.He is…
Biggest Key to Body Transformation:Progressive Overload
The Fastest Way to Body Transformation If from the treasure trove of bodybuilding knowledge,I was asked to choose just one wisdom pearl,that could help anyone irrespective of their fitness goals,what would it be?What’s the most important principle, which if religiously applied, can help you gain muscles fast,increase muscular hypertrophy,improve strength,accelerate weight loss and overcome…
Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners:5 things I wish I knew earlier
5 Bodybuilding Tips You Must Know Recently joined a gym as a beginner and feeling overwhelmed by all the bodybuilding tips that are relayed to you by the “brofessors”? Thanks to the internet, getting information isn’t a challenge anymore. But with over-flow of information, deciding what to focus on, is. “Only a fool…
How to Activate Beast Mode:Bodybuilding Motivation
How to Operate on Beast Mode Every Time ! How come some people are seemingly training in beast mode every time ,while others find it tough to gather energy to finish a single workout session?What motivates them to maintain that energy during every training session?Are they freaks of nature ? What can we do…